Work Design for Health Employer Toolkit

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The Work Design for Health Employer Toolkit, freely available on the evidence-based website Work and Well-Being Initiative (WWBI), is designed to empower employers to improve worker well-being by creating workplace conditions that foster the health and well-being of all workers in an inclusive manner. The guidance built into the toolkit is based on three core principles that serve as the foundation to numerous “promising” practices” that can be utilized by companies and managers to change workplace conditions (as opposed to asking employees themselves to be responsible for implementing health-promoting practices) in order to better support employee wellness. Learn more about this viable alternative to traditional employee wellness programs in the press release.

Members of the WWBI team were invited to present at a roundtable discussion sponsored by the U.S. Surgeon General, and helped to shape the guidance that was ultimately offered as part of the Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being. Learn more in this news post at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.