Aashish Gupta

Former Bell Fellow
Head shot of Aashish Gupta

Aashish Gupta holds a PhD in demography and sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MA in development studies from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His research uses demographic and field methods to examine interrelations between health, environment, and inequality in developing countries. His published work has documented the negative externalities of solid fuels used for cooking and coal burning power plants; the barriers in the adoption of cleaner cooking fuels because of gender inequality; and the extent to which marginalized social groups in India have worse physical and mental health compared to privileged social groups. As a Bell Fellow, Aashish investigated the reliability of civil registration systems and survey-based approaches to measure mortality. He also studied the long-term persistence of health deficits and disparities in India. (Aashish is currently a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford.)

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