Videos & Podcasts 2021

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Work Redesign takes center stage in October's AJPH
Lisa Berkman shares insights into why thinking about redesigning the workplace is especially important in the wake of covid-19
American Journal of Public Health Logo

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A 30-minute review & update on HAALSI, a flagship community-based study on aging in South Africa
Lisa Berkman speaks with the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA) about community-based research collaborations, collected HAALSI data and recent findings, and the potential for future policy implications.
HAALSI letters on a South African background

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Hybrid launch for Nancy Krieger's latest book
We were thrilled to help to launch Nancy Krieger's latest book, ""Ecosocial Theory, Embodied Truths, and the People's Health." Nancy is joined by Lisa Berkman, Jason Beckfield, Sarah Humphreville (virtually) from Oxford University Press, and special guest Evelynn Hammonds.
Nancy Krieger in conversation with Evelynn Hammonds at book launch

Watch Brittney Butler testify

Fellow Brittney Butler testifies before MA legislature
Brittney Bulter was invited to speak before the Racial Inequities in Maternal Health Commission at the MA State Legislature on impact of neighborhood on pregnancy outcomes. Dr. Butler shares her expertise at the 1 hour; 50 second mark.
Massachusetts State Chamber Seal

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Healthy Aging across the Life Course
As part of Alumni Week at the Harvard Chan School, Lisa Berkman moderates a panel of leading experts on healthy aging who discuss aging in the context of the life course approach to public health.
Head shot of Lisa Berkman

Watch webinar

HAALSI project overview webinar
NACDA, the aging archive at ICPSR, hosted this webinar that features three Harvard Pop Center researchers discussing the importance of the project data, and how to access and work with it.
HAALSI Webinar graphic

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Professor Lawrence Bobo offers social science insights into racial inequalities in the U.S., present and past
Professor Lawrence Bobo comments in short audio segments in The Harvard Gazette’s series on race and inequality in America, “Un/Equal.”
Head shot of Lawrence Bobo

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Pandemic exposes the importance of early care and education for family life and the economy
Professor Stephanie Jones from HGSE speaks on the CommonWealth’s Codcast about the now even-more-evident importance of early child care and education on the health of the family and the economy.
Head shot of Stephanie Jones

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Virtual book launch for “Critical Epidemiology and the People’s Health”
We were proud to co-sponsor the virtual launch of “Critical Epidemiology and the People’s Health,” by Jaime Breilh. This is the third book in the Small Books, Big Ideas in Population Health series (edited by Nancy Krieger). Other sponsors included: La Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Equador, the Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, and The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). Access code: %e^WJ94F
Critical Epidemiology and the People’s Health