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Impact of family planning on child survival and development

Pop Center faculty members Gunther Fink and Wafaie Fawzi have published a new study showing that postponing the age of first birth and increasing inter-pregnancy intervals—two outcomes made possible by family planning—have the potential to significantly…

Childhood sexual abuse linked to heart disease risk in women

RWJF alumna Rebecca Thurston has published a study which reveals that psychosocial stress brought on by early life adversities may have implications for the development of risk factors for heart disease later on. The study results have been reported in…

Social Connection & Suicide Risk Study on

The recently published study by Harvard RWJF Health & Societies Scholar Program Alum Alexander Tsai and Harvard Pop Center affiliated faculty member Ichiro Kawachi that links being well-integrated socially with a lowered risk of suicide receives…

Being Socially Well-Integrated Reduces Risk of Suicide

A 24-year prospective cohort study authored by Harvard RWJF Health & Societies Scholar Program Alum Alexander Tsai and Harvard Pop Center affiliated faculty member Ichiro Kawachi indicates that middle-aged men who are well-integrated socially have…

Can genes play a role in how we react to traumatic events?

Harvard Pop Center affiliated faculty member Mary Waters, PhD, has co-authored a novel study that explores the interaction between genetic variants and exposure to Hurricane Katrina on post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth (positive…

Thurston's Study on Hot Flashes and Weight Loss in the News

A study by Harvard RWJF Scholar Alum Rebecca Clark Thurston, PhD,  on the connection between a reduction in menopausal hot flashes and weight loss has received some press in The Pittsburgh Business Times. The study has been published in the July…

Knowledge is Power: Malaria Knowledge and Bednet Ownership

Harvard RWJF Alum Alexander Tsai, MD, PhD, has published a study that looks at the association between malaria knowledge and ownership of insecticide-treated bednets, one of the most effective malaria-prevention tools available, in settings without…