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Archive: 2015

Christina Roberto in the news on reframing obesity debate

In an article in MedicalXpress, Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholars program alumna Christina Roberto, PhD, (who was lead author of this recent article in a special series of The Lancet devoted to obesity) shares insights into the complex…

Matt Wray comments in "Poor Whites Need Jesus and Justice Too"

Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholar program alum Matt Wray, PhD, shares some insights from his 2006 book Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness in this op-ed in The Christian Post on evangelicals and their apparent lack of…

Is education a factor in mortality gap between U.S. & Europe?

Harvard Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman, PhD, and faculty member Mauricio Avendano, PhD, are co-authors on a study published in the American Journal of Public Health that suggests that the larger educational disparities in mortality in the United States…

Peers influence sexual activity among adolescents in Ghana

Former Harvard Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar Jeffrey “Bart” Bingenheimer, PhD, is lead author on a study published in Studies in Family Planning that explores the influences of peers on the sexual activity of adolescents in…

Is income inequality contributing to quality of our health?

Harvard Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar Jessica Williams, PhD, is co-author on a study published in the American Journal of Public Health that suggests that rising income inequality could be a contributing factor to the poorer health of…