A recent piece titled “Income Inequality: It’s Also Bad for Your Health” quoted Pop Center Executive Committee member SV Subramanian. The piece appeared in the New York…
Harvard Visiting Scientist Sanjay Monhanty, PhD, is co-author on a working paper published by the Asia Research Institute (ARI) that explores the reasons behind the discontinuation of contraceptives in India, and leads to some recommendations on ways to…
An inaugural Forum on Population Health Equity at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health will take place on September 10 – 11, 2015. The event, which will feature an array of international speakers, will be held at the Martin Conference…
Harvard Pop Center Visiting Scientist Sanjay Mohanty, PhD, has published a Comment in a special issue of The Journal of the Economics of Ageing dedicated to the economic implications of population aging in China and India, which is co-edited by Pop…
Harvard Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholar Adam Lippert, PhD, is lead author on a study published in Sociological Inquiry that finds that the chronically homeless – a population much more likely to suffer from mental…
Harvard Pop Center faculty member Cassandra Okechukwu, ScD, MSN, has co-authored a study published in The European Journal of Public Health that examines the effects of stressful life events on changes in smoking among the French.
In an article in MedicalXpress, Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholars program alumna Christina Roberto, PhD, (who was lead author of this recent article in a special series of The Lancet devoted to obesity) shares insights into the complex…
Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholar program alum Matt Wray, PhD, shares some insights from his 2006 book Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness in this op-ed in The Christian Post on evangelicals and their apparent lack of…
Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, PhD, has co-authored a study published in Ageing & Society that sheds light on the reciprocal relationship between health and social participation based on evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and…
Harvard Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman, PhD, and faculty member Mauricio Avendano, PhD, are co-authors on a study published in the American Journal of Public Health that suggests that the larger educational disparities in mortality in the United States…