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Archive: Jul 2014

Thurston's Study on Hot Flashes and Weight Loss in the News

A study by Harvard RWJF Scholar Alum Rebecca Clark Thurston, PhD,  on the connection between a reduction in menopausal hot flashes and weight loss has received some press in The Pittsburgh Business Times. The study has been published in the July…

Knowledge is Power: Malaria Knowledge and Bednet Ownership

Harvard RWJF Alum Alexander Tsai, MD, PhD, has published a study that looks at the association between malaria knowledge and ownership of insecticide-treated bednets, one of the most effective malaria-prevention tools available, in settings without…

Are Adolescent Smokers Using E-Cigarettes to Help Them Quit?

One of our RWJF Health & Society Scholars, Adam Lippert, PhD, has recently published a paper on which adolescent subgroups are using e-cigarettes and whether they are using them to help them quit smoking. The study has been published in the American…